Organizer Bot

The Best Organizer Bot
Easy Use & Perfect & Safe


Important Commands

  • !setChannelResult: Select a Result room

  • !setRoleBlack: Select Blacklist Role

  • !setRoleID: Select ID Role


Scrim Commands

  • !an: To make Announce scrim

  • !form: To create a scrim publishing form

  • !reg: To open the registration

  • !time: To alert to close the scrim after a specific time

  • !CloseReg: To Close the registration

  • !inrole: View role members

  • !list: To make the list in a professional way

  • !rules: To display scrim rules

  • !test: To confirm the members of the role of ID

  • !mir: To make a Miramar ID

  • !era: To make a Erangel ID

  • !san: To make a Sanhok ID

  • !vik: To make a Vikindi ID

  • !result: To make the Result

  • fb: Feedback message


Public Commands

  • !InfoBlack: Find out if you are on the blacklist

  • !dev: Organizer Bot Developer

  • !bot: The Bot Information

  • !server: The Server Information

  • !user: The User Information

  • !avt: View a member's avatar by ID

  • !avatar: View a member's avatar

  • !banner: View a member's banner


Admin Commands

  • !vip: To view details

  • !replay: make auto reply

  • !deleteR: delete auto reply

  • !autoLine: make auto line

  • !delAutoLine: delete auto line

  • !autoRole: make auto role

  • !autoAccept: make auto accept

  • !black: Add Black List

  • !unblack: unblacklist

  • !autoReaction: Make Auto Reaction

  • !delAutoReaction: Delete Auto Reaction





The Bot

Developed By : SLASHLibrary: Discord.jsHave Fun ♥

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